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Sabtu, 25 September 2010

Lindsay Lohan Reportedly Aiming For Early Jail Release

Lindsay Lohan has returned to jail, an increasingly familiar place for the troubled starlet. However, the actress is reportedly trying to leave her new digs as soon as possible. Radar Online reports that Lohan's lawyer, Shawn Chapman Holley, huddled with Judge Elden Fox and the deputy district attorney on Friday (September 24), hours after the actress was sent to jail for the second time in three months.
"Lindsay's lawyer is asking that bail be set," a Lohan source told the website. "Shawn Chapman Holley contends that Judge Fox must grant Lohan bail pending the probation-violation hearing on October 22."
Lohan was sent back to prison after she admitted to failing a recent drug test. According to the requirements of her release after rehab, a positive drug and/or alcohol test is grounds for additional jail time. Judge Fox denied the "Freaky Friday" actress bail and she was handcuffed and taken into custody. Lohan is expected to remain locked up until her hearing next month.
Lohan's lawyer did not respond to MTV News' request for comment at press time.
Although Lohan's legal muscle is apparently pulling out all the stops to get her released early, authorities maintain the actress won't be sprung until her next court date.

"Ms. Lohan cannot be released early because this isn't a jail sentence," L.A. Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore told People. "She's being held by court order until her hearing on October 22. She will be held in the same conditions as her last stay, in a keep-away unit."
She may not be headed for an early exit, but her entrance into prison is similar to her last visit. "She's now being processed through, she's going to go through the same physical and mental evaluation," said Whitmore, who noted that, "for the safety and security of the entire jail system," Lohan will be separated from her fellow inmates.
In July, Lohan served 13 days of a 90-day jail sentence over a probation violation stemming from a 2007 DUI conviction. She followed up the jail time with 23 days in a court-ordered rehab facility, less than a third of her 90-day sentence.


Sturgeon Fish Is Real

Ikan Sturgeon (Acipenseriformes) adalah jenis ikan purbakala. Konon hadir di dunia pada era awal jurasik. Pada saat itu hidup dinosaurus yang sudah lama punah dari dunia kecuali dihadirkan dalam film Jurasik Park. Kenapa Ikan Sturgeon menjadi begitu penting sehingga perlu sebuah institut untuk mempelajarinya.
Hal ini dikarenakan Ikan Sturgeon mempunyai telur yang dinamai Kapiar yang sangat mahal harganya yaitu US$ 5.000 atau Rp50 juta/kg. Di samping itu karena peminatnya bertambah banyak, maka penangkapan Ikan Sturgeon semakin intensif ditambah dengan lingkungan habitatnya tambah rusak, mengakibatkan populasi Ikan Sturgeon menurun.
Sturgeon seperti disebutkan di atas adalah salah satu jenis ikan yang mempunyai nilai yang paling tinggi di dunia yang hanya ditemukan di belahan bumi bagian utara. Sampai saat ini ditemukan lebih dari 27 jenis (species) Ikan Sturgeon (Acipenseriformes). Enam jenis di antaranya ditemukan di Laut Caspia dan sungai yang mengalirinya.
Laut Caspia adalah sebuah danau terbesar di dunia. Di sebut laut karena mengandung garam sekitar 12 per mil dan permukaan Laut Caspia berada di bawah permukaan laut bebas yaitu sekitar 26 m. Jenis Ikan Sturgeon yang ada di laut caspia menghasilkan kapiar lebih dari 90 persen dari hasil dunia.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian populasi (stock) Ikan Sturgeon terancam sehingga akan punah. Hasil tangkapan di Laut Caspia juga menunjukkan penurunan. Berdasarkan hasil studi terhadap Ikan Sturgeon di Laut Caspia terdapat beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan penurunan populasi sebagai berikut : 1. Penangkapan liar dan penangkapan yang berlebih. 2. Pembangunan dam sungai yang menuju Laut Caspia.3. Kerusakan tempat mijah karena erosi dan pengambilan pasir dan batu dari dasar sungai. 4. Faktor lingkungan yang tidak sesuai seperti pencemaran.
Caviar adalah telur yang dihasilkan sturgeon, yang merupakan jenis ikan yang hidup di laut Kaspia. Ikan sturgeon hidup di air laut, namun ketika masa bertelur tiba, mereka pindah ke hulu sungai. Dengan berat yang mampu mencapai bobot 800 kilogram, ikan ini dapat menghasilkan 60-80 kilogram telur. Caviar yang terbaik berasal dari Rusia dan Iran.
Jenis Caviar ada empat. Yang terbaik dan paling mahal di sebut Beluga. Sebagian besar jenis Caviar ini berasal dari Rusia. Dihasilkan dari ikan yang berbobot sampai 800 kilogram. Beluga ditandai dengan butiran telur yang besar dan berwarna abu-abu kehitaman.
Jenis Caviar yang sedikit lebih murah disebut Sevruga, yang kebanyakan didatangkan dari Iran. Caviar ini dihasilkan dari jenis ikan yang lebih kecil, berbobot 60-100 kilogram. Sevruga berbentuk butiran yang lebih kecil dari Beluga, dan berwarna lebih hitam.
Ada lagi Caviar yang disebut Ossetre atau sering dikenal dengan dengan Golden Caviar. Caviar ini punya butiran berwarna kekuningan. Jenis terakhir disebut White Caviar, karena butiran yang dihasilkan berwarna putih. Caviar yang dihasilkan dari jenis ikan yang albino jarang ditemukan. Semasa pemerintahan Syah Iran, Golden Caviar dan White Caviar banyak disajikan untuk menu hidangannya.
Proses penangkapan telur-telur ikan ini secara singkat adalah sebagai berikut :
Ikan sturgeon ditangkap, kemudian perut ikan dibuka, telurnya dikeluarkan dan diletakkan sampai matang dalam air yang mengandung garam. Setelah matang, telur-telur itu diletakkan dalam kaleng yang sudah disterilisasi untuk menghilangkan bakteri. Caviar harus di makan dalam keadaan fresh.
Caviar digolongkan sebagai hidangan yang sangat mahal, karena ikan sturgeon yang menghasilkan telur-telur itu merupakan ikan yang sangat langka. Orang menunggu saat ikan-ikan ini bertelur, yang merupakan saat yang tepat untuk menangkapnya. Sedangkan ikan sturgeonnya dapat dikonsumsi sebagai makanan yang disebut smoked sturgeon.
Waktu yang tepat dalam menghidangkan Caviar dapat pada menu makan pagi, siang, atau malam, tak jadi masalah, selama kantong anda menyanggupinya !
Umumnya, Caviar disajikan sebagai hors d`couvre. Di negara-negara Eropa, Caviar disajikan bersama putih dan kuning telur, onion, atau sour cream yang berfungsi sebagai garnish. Kita juga dapat menyajikannya dengan scrambeled eggs atau blinis, sejenis pancake. Di Iran, mereka memakannya dengan roti atau pancake kecil. Seringkali mereka menuangkan sour cream di atasnya dan memakannya begitu saja. Menurut pendapat saya, Caviar sepantasnya tidak dimakan dalam kuantitas yang banyak, tetapi dalam kuantitas secukupnya untuk dinikmati. Dan meskipun dicampur dengan makanan tersebut, rasa Caviar tetap dapat dirasakan seperti aslinya.
Seringkali Caviar yang dihidangkan dikelilingi oleh butiran-butiran es yang berfungsi untuk menjaga agar Caviar tetap dalam keadaan segar.
Untuk mencicipi Caviar sebagai hidangan pembuka, biaya yang harus disediakan tergantung pada restaurant kelas mana yang dikunjungi. Namun pada umumnya di restaurant berkelas atas, berharga kira-kira 50 dollar (N Rp 350.000,-) untuk 30 gram Caviar.
Minuman yang biasanya dipasangkan dengan Caviar adalah Vodka !. Di Iran semasa Syah Iran berkuasa, mereka menyantap Caviar bersama dengan Vodka buatan Iran. Saat ini Vodka Iran itu sudah tidak diproduksi lagi.
Pada saat ini negara yang menjadi konsumen terbesar Caviar adalah Amerika dan Prancis.

Sungai di Dasar Laut Merupakan Bukti Kebenaran Al Qur’an

Maha Suci Allah yang Maha Menciptakan Sungai dalam Laut

“Akan Kami perlihatkan secepatnya kepada mereka kelak, bukti-bukti kebenaran Kami di segenap penjuru dunia ini dan pada diri mereka sendiri, sampai terang kepada mereka, bahwa al-Quran ini suatu kebenaran. Belumkah cukup bahwa Tuhan engkau itu menyaksikan segala sesuatu. ” (QS Fushshilat : 53)
“Dan Dialah yang membiarkan dua laut mengalir (berdampingan) ; yang ini tawar lagi segar dan yang lain masin lagi pahit; dan Dia jadikan antara keduanya dinding dan batas yang menghalangi.” (Q.S Al Furqan:53)

Sungai di Dasar Laut Merupakan Bukti Kebenaran Al Quran

Jika Anda termasuk orang yang gemar menonton rancangan TV `Discovery’ pasti kenal Mr.Jacques Yves Costeau , ia seorang ahli oceanografer dan ahli selam terkemuka dari Perancis. Orang tua yang berambut putih ini sepanjang hidupnya menyelam ke perbagai dasar samudera di seantero dunia dan membuat filem dokumentari tentang keindahan alam dasar laut untuk ditonton di seluruh dunia.
Pada suatu hari ketika sedang melakukan eksplorasi di bawah laut, tiba-tiba ia menemui beberapa kumpulan mata air tawar-segar yang sangat sedap rasanya kerana tidak bercampur/tidak melebur dengan air laut yang masin di sekelilingnya, seolah-olah ada dinding atau membran yang membatasi keduanya.
Fenomena ganjil itu memeningkan Mr. Costeau dan mendorongnya untuk mencari penyebab terpisahnya air tawar dari air masin di tengah-tengah lautan. Ia mulai berfikir, jangan-jangan itu hanya halusinansi atau khalayan sewaktu menyelam. Waktu pun terus berlalu setelah kejadian tersebut, namun ia tak kunjung mendapatkan jawapan yang memuaskan tentang fenomena ganjil tersebut.
Sampai pada suatu hari ia bertemu dengan seorang profesor Muslim, kemudian ia pun menceritakan fenomena ganjil itu. Profesor itu teringat pada ayat Al Quran tentang bertemunya dua lautan ( surat Ar-Rahman ayat 19-20) yang sering diidentikkan dengan Terusan Suez . Ayat itu berbunyi “Marajal bahraini yaltaqiyaan, bainahumaa barzakhun laa yabghiyaan.. .”Artinya: “Dia biarkan dua lautan bertemu, di antara keduanya ada batas yang tidak boleh ditembus.” Kemudian dibacakan surat Al Furqan ayat 53 di atas.

Sungai di Dasar Laut Merupakan Bukti Kebenaran Al Quran

Selain itu, dalam beberapa kitab tafsir, ayat tentang bertemunya dua lautan tapi tak bercampur airnya diertikan sebagai lokasi muara sungai, di mana terjadi pertemuan antara air tawar dari sungai dan air masin dari laut. Namun tafsir itu tidak menjelaskan ayat berikutnya dari surat Ar-Rahman ayat 22 yang berbunyi “Yakhruju minhuma lu’lu`u wal marjaan” ertinya “Keluar dari keduanya mutiara dan marjan.” Padahal di muara sungai tidak ditemukan mutiara.
Terpesonalah Mr. Costeau mendengar ayat-ayat Al Qur’an itu, melebihi kekagumannya melihat keajaiban pemandangan yang pernah dilihatnya di lautan yang dalam. Al Qur’an ini mustahil disusun oleh Muhammad yang hidup di abad ke tujuh, suatu zaman saat belum ada peralatan selam yang canggih untuk mencapai lokasi yang jauh terpencil di kedalaman samudera. Benar-benar suatu mukjizat, berita tentang 14 abad yang silam

akhirnya terbukti pada abad 20. Mr. Costeau pun berkata bahawa Al Qur’an memang sesungguhnya kitab suci yang berisi firman Allah, yang seluruh kandungannya mutlak benar. Dengan seketika dia pun memeluk Islam.

The Flying Dutchman 
Maritim cerita rakyat, tidak ada hantu kapal yang lebih terkenal daripada Flying Dutchman, yang telah mengilhami banyak lukisan, cerita horor, film, dan bahkan sebuah opera. Kapal pertama kali disebutkan pada akhir 1700-an di George buku pelaut Barrington’s Voyage ke Botany Bay, dan sejak itu para legenda terus tumbuh, berkat berbagai penampakan itu oleh nelayan dan pelaut. Sebagai cerita, si Flying Dutchman adalah kapal keluar dari Amsterdam yang dikapteni oleh seorang pria bernama Van der Decken. Kapal itu membuat jalan menuju Hindia Timur ketika menghadapi cuaca yang berbahaya di dekat Tanjung Harapan.
Bertekad untuk persimpangan, Van der Decken seharusnya menjadi gila, membunuh pasangan yang pertama, dan bersumpah bahwa ia akan melintasi Cape, “bahkan jika Tuhan akan membiarkan aku berlayar ke Judgment Day!” Walaupun usaha terbaik, kapal tenggelam di badai, dan sebagai legenda berjalan, Van der Decken dan kapal hantu sekarang dikutuk untuk berlayar lautan untuk selama-lamanya. Sampai hari ini, Flying Dutchman yang terus menjadi salah satu yang paling berpandangan dari semua kapal hantu, dan orang-orang dari nelayan laut dalam kepada Pangeran Wales memiliki semua mengklaim telah melihatnya membuat yang tak pernah berakhir perjalanan menyeberangi lautan.

Misteri Titanic & Kutukan Pharaoh Amen – Ra
Pada tanggal 14 April 1912, kapal “Titanic”, yang menjadi kebanggaan perusahaan angkutan laut “White Star Line”, pada waktu perjalanannya yang pertama dari London menuju New York, membentur sebuah gunung es di sebelah Selatan dari Newfoundland, dan tenggelam dengan sebagian besar awak kapal dan penumpang-penumpangnya.

Tenggelamnya kapal “Titanic” itu, yang masih tetap merupakan bencana pelayaran yang paling mengerikan dalam abad ini, menyebabkan kematiannya 1.675 orang manusia. Apakah yang sebenarnya telah terjadi? Bagaimanakah Raksasa Lautan Pasifik itu, yang pada waktu itu dianggap sebagai sebuah kapal laut yang paling indah, serta paling besar dan paling aman, di dunia, dapat mengalami nasib demikian buruk dan tenggelam?

Usaha-usaha penyelidikan, yang kemudian diadakan, tidak pernah berhasil untuk menjelaskan sepenuhnya sebab-musabab bencana itu. Jadi, para penyelidik tidak pernah dapat menemukan sebab-sebabnya, mengapa Kapten Smith, yang memegang komando atas kapal itu, bertindak demikian aneh. Smith merupakan seorang pelaut yang hebat, sangat berpengalaman dalam perjalanan pelayaran mengarungi samudera, dan dia mengenal jalan-laut dari London ke New York seperti telapak tangannya sendiri.
Akan tetapi, pada hari terjadinya bencana itu, dia mempunyai tindak-perbuatan yang sangat aneh, di antaranya yang paling jelas adalah, bahwa dia telah mengambil jalan yang tidak umum dan telah berlayar dengan kecepatan melampaui batas; dan lagi, bahwa dia, secara tidak masuk akal, tidak mau minta pertolongan kapal lain, yang berlayar juga di daerah itu.

Dan yang lebih mengherankan lagi adalah adanya kenyataan, bahwa para penyelidik telah dapat mengumpulkan keterangan dari para penumpang, yang tidak menjadi korban bencana, bahwa Kapten Smith tidak memberitahukan cara menyelamatkan diri sampai pada saat yang terakhir. Segala sesuatunya menunjukkan, bahwa Kapten Smith telah kehilangan kesadarannya.
Walaupun demikian, semua kenyataan itu sama sekali belum memberikan suatu penjelasan. Kenyataan-kenyataan itu malahan menimbulkan pertanyaan-pertanyaan lain. Apakah sebenarnya yang menimbulkan keadaan, di mana Kapten Smith seakan-akan kehilangan ingatan itu?
Dalam suatu usaha maksimal untuk menemukan suatu penjelasan, yang masuk akal, mengenai kejadian-kejadian aneh itu, beberapa orang wartawan, yang telah ditunjuk untuk mengikuti penyelidikan sebab-musabab bencana itu, berhasil mengemukakan suatu dugaan, yang sangat mengejutkan.

Pada waktu terjadinya bencana itu, “Titanic” mengangkut 2.200 orang penumpang, 40 ton kentang, 1.200 botol aer-belanda, 7.000 karung kopi, 3.500 butir telor, dan lain-lainnya …. dan sebuah mumi Mesir. Mumi itu adalah milik seorang pengumpul Inggris, Lord Canterville, yang menyuruh mengangkutnya dari London ke New York, di mana sedang diadakan pameran benda-benda Mesir kuno.

Mumi itu adalah mayat seorang tukang ramal, yang hidup dalam jaman Amenophis IV; makamnya telah diketemukan di Tell el-Amarna. Mumi itu, seperti halnya mumi-mumi Mesir lainnya, mengenakan sangat banyak benda – benda ajimat.

Terutama di bawah kepalanya, terdapat sebuah amulet, yang berisi gambar Dewa Osiris, disertai tulisan, yang berbunyi sebagai berikut: “Bangunlah dari tidur anda, yang nyenyak; sorot mata anda akan mengalahkan segalanya, yang dilakukan terhadap anda”.

Tambahan lagi, benda antik itu, karena nilainya yang luar biasa, tidak dimuat dalam ruangan barang-barang. Ditutup rapat dalam sebuah peti kayu, yang kokoh kuat, mumi itu ditaroh di belakang tempat komando Kapten Smith.

Dalam “Magic Egypt” (= Mesir yang gaib), London tahun 1961, John Newbargton menulis sebagai berikut: “Mummi itulah, yang menyebabkan kegilaan Kapten Smith. Mumi itu pasti diperlengkapi dengan sistim perlindungan berdasarkan pemancaran radioaktif, yang juga telah merusak semua alat pelayaran dari kapal ‘Titanic’ “.

3-D movies hampered by vision problems for some

As people crowd into theaters for the latest wave of 3-D movies, everyone seems to be oohing and ahhing over the visual feast provided by Hollywood's improved 3-D technology.
Well, almost everyone.
"There will be at least one person in the crowd who says, 'What are you talking about? I didn't see anything flying out at me.' Or maybe they will say, 'That movie actually made me a little nauseated,' " said Dominick Maino, a professor at the Illinois College of Optometry and the Illinois Eye Institute.

Three to 9 million people in the USA have vision problems that keep them from enjoying such 3-D movies as Avatar and toys story 3, estimates the American Optometric Association. And as many as 56% of people between 18 and 38 years of age suffer from symptoms related to depth-perception problems.
These problems have to do with binocular vision, the ability to align both eyes on a target and combine the visual images from the two eyes into a single, three-dimensional perception.
"We have 3-D because we have two eyes in our head in slightly different places," Maino explained. "When the brain puts two images together, that's when we get the 3-D effect."
"3-D is really our ability to judge distances," he said. "It's a real nice survival trait, so we could tell how far away that saber-toothed tiger is and have him for lunch rather than the other way around."
Movies done in 3-D recreate this effect by feeding different images into each eye, Maino said. In the early days, 3-D glasses would have one red lens and one blue lens, and there would be one red image and one blue image on the screen separated by a little distance. One eye would be able to see only the red and the other only the blue, and the brain would fit them together to form an in-depth perception.
The technology today is more advanced. Now, 3-D is created using polarized lenses that pick up separate images or by timing the images between the two eyes. "One image will be placed on one eye and then very quickly the other image is placed in the other eye," Maino said. "When the brain puts that together, it gives the sense of 3-D."
However, people who are having problems with their binocular vision will either not be able to perceive the illusion of 3-D, or they will find that the movies or TV shows actually give them "visual hangover," said Leonard Press, a spokesman for the American Optometric Association and optometric director of the Vision and Learning Center in Fair Lawn, N.J.
An association poll found that headaches, blurred vision and dizziness are the most common side effects from 3-D movies for people who have binocular vision difficulties. "After the movie, they're a bit dizzy, and it takes them awhile to get back to normal," Press said.
Several different vision disorders could be the cause of the problem, including:
• Amblyopia, or lazy eye, which occurs when one eye does not see as well as the other. "Because of that difference between the two eyes, the ability to see 3-D is greatly reduced or absent," Maino said.
• Strabismus, or crossed eyes, in which the eyes do not line up in the same direction when focusing. Ultimately, a person with strabismus begins to suffer from double vision or loses the ability to see in 3-D.
• Convergence insufficiency, in which the eyes are incapable of turning toward each other to fix on the same distance.
Any of these can be treated by an optometrist or ophthalmologist. In fact, Maino said, the new 3-D movies are giving some people their first clue of a vision problem they may have had for a long time without recognizing it.
The problems, though, can be treated using optometric vision therapy, in which eye patches or special pairs of glasses are utilized to teach the eyes how to work together, Press and Maino said. Some of the techniques already are used to help kids with amblyopia or strabismus.
"It's a form of physical therapy for the eyes," Press said. "The key is helping your eyes work together with your brain. You do different activities that help both eyes work together. It's almost like lifting weights."
By the end of vision therapy, "we should have someone who has single, clear, two-eyed vision," Maino said.

New Shark Species


Spesies catshark Islandia, termasuk ikan ini tertangkap selama masa studi, adalah beberapa di antara hiu baru-baru ini ditemukan di perairan Greenland untuk pertama kalinya. Hiu kecil telah ditemukan di lautan lainnya di kedalaman antara 2.645 sampai 4.625 kaki (800 dan 1.410 meter), di mana ia makan pada ikan, cacing laut, dan krustasea seperti lobster dan kepiting.
Penemuan spesies terbaru dalam tinggal, seperti catshark tersebut, mungkin terutama disebabkan oleh peningkatan memancing di laut sekitar Greenland-dan mengakibatkan ledakan aneh, kebetulan menangkap-tim survei mengatakan.
Lima dari 38 baru-untuk- Greenland spesies ikan penduduk relatif dangkal, meskipun, dan mungkin tergoda ke habitat baru mereka dengan laut pemanasan, tim mengatakan.

10 Strange World Shark Species

1.Hammerhead Shark

Memiliki panjang antara 2 hingga 6 meter, dan semua spesies memiliki kepala menyerupai martil gepeng. Mata dan lubang hidup ada di ujung kepala. Mereka ditemukan di perairan hangat sepanjang garis pantai,
dan paparan benua. Kepala yang berbentuk seperti martil ini juga memberikan keuntungan berupa area penciuman yang lebih luas, meningkatkan potensi menemukan partikel di air sedikitnya 10 kali dibandingkan dengan hiu ‘klasik’ lainnya.

2.Goblin Shark

Pernah ditemukan di perairan jepang dan termasuk jenis hewan purba yang masih bisa bertahan hidup hingga saat ini. Jenis ini memiliki panjang 1,3 meter serta bentuk yang unik dengan moncong pipih dan panjang. Biasanya hidup di kedalaman 150 hingga 200 meter.

3.Threasher Shark

Jenis ini adalah yang terbesar dari tiga spesies hiu (panjangnya sampai dengan 6,1 meter) dan dapat ditemukan di semua daerah beriklim hangat. Selain itu mulai dari gigi sampai ekor merupakan senjata untuk melumpuhkan mangsanya. Hiu jenis ini telah mengalami penurunan populasi yang signifikan karena adanya penangkapan yang berlebihan.

4.Frilled Shark

Adalah ikan hiu yang jarang terlihat di permukaan, jenis ini terkenal karena pertumbuhan gigi mereka yang aneh. Jenis ini juga pernah ditemukan masih hidup di lepas pantai Jepang dekat Awashima Marine Park di Shizuoka, barat daya Tokyo.

5.Spined Pygmy Shark

Merupakan salah satu anggota terkecil dari keluarga hiu, mencapai panjang maksimum hanya 11 inci. Spesies ini pernah ditemukan oleh anggota Komisi US Fish Steamer Albatross Ekspedisi Filipina antara 1907-1910. Meskipun pertama kali ditemukan di perairan Filipina, hiu ini tersebar di seluruh samudera yang ada dunia.

6.White Whale Shark

Hiu ini ditemukan oleh penyelam yang berenang di pantai Kepulauan Galapagos pada bulan Agustus 2008 dan Hiu ini dapat tumbuh hingga 50 sampai 60 kaki serta beratnya dapat mencapai 10 ton. Ikan hiu ini ditemukan pada samudera tropis dan hangat dan tinggal di laut terbuka dengan umur sekitar 70 tahun.

7.Saw Shark

Bentuknya hampir sama dengan ikan gergaji, sebagian besar tersebar dari perairan Afrika Selatan ke Australia dan Jepang, tinggalnya di kedalaman 40 meter dan tahun 1960 hiu ini ditemukan di perairan yang lebih dalam (640 m sampai 915 m) dari barat laut Karibia

8.Greenland Shark

Merupakan salah satu Hiu terbesar dari perairan Samudera Atlantik Utara sekitar Greenland dan Islandia. Hiu ini hidup jauh di utara daripada spesies ikan hiu lainnya. Hiu jenis ini dapat tumbuh hingga 6,4 m (21 kaki) dan mencapai berat 1000 kg.

9.Megamouth Shark

Jenis hiu yang sangat langka sejak yang ditemukan pada tahun 1976. Dapat tumbuh hingga 18 kaki dan berat mencapai 2,5 ton.

10.Whorl-tooth Shark [Helicoprion]

Hiu berumur panjang ini pertama kali muncul di lautan Karbon dan banyak yang berpikir bahwa Hiu ini hanyalah mutasi, tetapi menurut catatan fosil menunjukkan bahwa ia hidup antara 280 dan 225 juta tahun yang lalu. Dan yang aneh adalah penemuan batu berbentuk “lingkaran gigi” di daerah Idaho, Wyoming dan Utah.

Hilangnya Es di Greenland Akibat Menghangatnya Laut

Mother bear and two-year-old cub drift on glacier ice. Hudson Strait, Nunavut, Canada.

Lapisan es seukuran benua di Greenland kian terkikis akibat angin dan arus yang dipicu oleh air yang bertambah hangat ke dalam ceruk, tempat terbentuknya pangkal gletser pantai, demikian hasil studi yang disiarkan Ahad (14/2).

Massa es yang bercokol di puncak Greenland menyimpan cukup banyak air untuk mendorong permukaan air laut global setinggi tujuh meter, sehingga berpotensi menenggelamkan banyak delta dan kota pantai di seluruh dunia.

Saat ini, permukaan air samudra naik sebanyak tiga milimeter per tahun, sedangkan pada awal 1960-an peningkatan ketinggian permukaan air lautan ialah 1,8 milimeter setiap tahun.

Namun sumbangan Greenland telah lebih dari dua kali lipat dalam satu dasawarsa belakangan, dan para ilmuwan menduga perubahan iklim memainkan peran yang sangat besar, kendati bagaimana secara pasti itu terjadi masih menjadi perdebatan sengit.

Sebagian teori menunjuk kepada temperatur udara --yang naik lebih cepat di garis lintang utara-jauh daripada rata-rata global.

Satu gagasan tandingan ialah perubahan arus dan perairan samudra sub-tropis yang bergerak ke arah utara mengikis landasan gletser pantai, menambah cepat alirannya ke laut, terutama gletser yang berada di banyak "fjord" di Greenland.

Secara geologis, "fjord" adalah ceruk sempit yang panjang dengan lereng terjal, yang tercipta di satu lembah yang terbentuk oleh kegiatan gletser.

Namun setakat ini, semua studi itu telah lebih banyak dilandasi atas contoh matematika daripada pengamatan.

Satu tim ilmuwan yang dipimpin oleh Fiametta Straneo dari Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution di Massachusetts bergerak untuk membantu mengisi kekosongan data itu.

Para peneliti tersebut, yang melakukan kegiatan pada Juli dan September 2008, melakukan pengukuran terperinci mengenai kandungan air di Sermilik Fjord, yang menghubungkan Helheim Glacier di bagian timur Greenland dengan samudra.

Mereka mendapati air laut dalam yang mengalir ke dalam ceruk itu memiliki ukuran 3,0-4,0 derajat celsius cukup hangat untuk menerobos ke dasar gletser dan mempercepat lapisan es tersebut tercebur ke lautan.

Peralatan yang ditinggalkan di ceruk itu selama delapan bulan memperlihatkan angin yang berkumpul di garis pantai memainkan peran penting dalam arus air yang lebih hangat tersebut.

"Temuan kami mendukung peningkatan pencairan dasar laut sebagai pemicu bagi bertambah-cepatnya pencairan gletser, tapi menunjukkan gabungan perubahan atmosfir dan samudra sebagai pengendali yang mungkin," kata para peneliti itu, sebagaimana dikutip kantor berita Prancis, AFP.

Dalam satu studi terpisah, Eric Rignot dari Jet Propulsion Laboratory di Pasadena, California, dan rekannya berusaha menghitung bagian relatif penyebab hilangnya sungai es.

Para ilmuwan itu, yang menyelidiki bagian barat Greenland, melakukan pengukuran samudra pada Agustus 2008 di tiga ceruk di dasar empat sungai es yang pecah ke dalam laut, proses yang dikenal sebagai "calving".

Pencarian samudra, mereka mendapati, bertanggung jawab antara 20 dan 75 persen hilangnya es di permukaan gletser, dan pemisahan dari bagian bongkahan es yang terpajan terhadap udara mengisi sisanya.

Sementara itu, satu studi yang juga diterbitkan di dalam jurnal Nature Geoscience memperingatkan bahwa samudra dapat menjadi lebih asam dalam waktu lebih cepat daripada kapan pun selama 65 juta tahun terakhir.

Andy Rigwell dan Daniella Schmidt dari University of Bristol, bagian barat Inggris, membandingkan perubahan yang lalu dan masa depan dalam keasaman samudra dengan menggunakan simulasi komputer.

Mereka mendapati permukaan samudra menjadi asam bahkan lebih cepat daripada yang terjadi selama episode yang terdokumentasi dengan baik mengenai pemanasan rumah kaca 55,5 juta tahun lalu.

Bertambah-cepatnya keasaman sudah mulai merenggut korban pada sejumlah hewan laut yang memainkan peran penting dalam rantai makanan samudra dan membantu menyerap sangat banyak CO2 dari atmosfir.

"Calsium carapace" hewan yang sangat kecil yang disebut "foraminifera", yang hidup di Samudra Selatan, misalnya, sudah kehilangan sebanyak sepertiga berat normalnya.(C003/A038)

U.S. Policy And Central Asia

The U.S. recognizes the uniqueness of each of the 5 Central Asian nations.
U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Robert Blake.

The United States is interested in developing a good security relationship with the countries of Central Asia, but not at the expense of human rights.
"Central Asia is a region of significant importance to U.S. national interests," said U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Robert Blake.

The U.S. recognizes the uniqueness of each of the 5 Central Asian nations -- Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan -- and their sovereignty and independence.  The United States supports the development of stable democratic nations, integrated into the world economy and cooperating with one another, the United States, and its partners, to advance regional security and stability.

After reviewing its approach to Central Asia, the U.S. has formulated a policy which comprises 5 priorities. They include expanding cooperation with Central Asian states to assist the war effort in Afghanistan, increasing development of the region's energy resources and supply routes, and encouraging political liberalization and respect for human rights.  Two additional goals are to foster market economies and economic reform and to prevent the emergence of failed states.

The United States, said Assistant Secretary Blake, is interested in developing a good security relationship with the countries of Central Asia, but not at the expense of human rights.  The United States, said Assistant Secretary Blake, "has not shied away from discussing frankly, fully and openly human rights issues or the state of civil society.  It is and will remain an essential part of our dialogue equal in importance to our discussion on security issues."

The Manas Transit Center in Kyrgyzstan is a case in point.  While the transit center makes a substantial contribution to the coalition efforts in Afghanistan, it does not and never will trump America's interest in seeing Kyrgyzstan respect the rights of its citizens.  "The Obama administration," said Assistant Secretary Blake, "will not compromise our values.  But it will seek dialogue and engagement with all our partners."

The United States plans to continue to engage each of the Central Asian countries individually and pursue an agenda that promotes democracy, free market economics, and respect for human rights.

Supporting Stability in Haiti

The United States and the United Nations continue to aid the recovery and rebuilding of Haiti.
A man pushes a wheelbarrow past earthquake damaged buildings in downtown Port-au-Prince.

The United States remains concerned about vulnerable populations in the internally displaced persons camps and neighboring communities in Haiti, and the extent of sexual and gender-based violence.
The United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti, or MINUSTAH, is helping to create the stability necessary to hold elections in November. "Peaceful and credible elections and the transfer of power to a new government," said U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, "will be key milestones of Haiti's progress." To that end, the United States is supporting a long-term election observation mission led by CARICOM and the Organization of American States, which is in Haiti to work closely with Haiti's Provisional Electoral Council.

The devastating earthquake in Haiti on January 12th, 2010, which resulted in more than 220,000 deaths, including 96 UN peacekeepers, delivered a severe blow to the country's already shaky economy and infrastructure. The Security Council agreed to increase the overall force levels of MINUSTAH to support the immediate recovery, reconstruction and stability efforts in the country.

The United States remains concerned about vulnerable populations in the internally displaced persons camps and neighboring communities in Haiti, and the extent of sexual and gender-based violence. The U.S. supports the plan to use the military component of MINUSTAH in a more community-based approach to address violence and women's empowerment more generally in the reconstruction process.

"Addressing the critical issues of sexual and gender-based violence must be part of a wider effort to empower women throughout the reconstruction process," said Ambassador Rice. MINUSTAH should expand its efforts beyond the camps and their vicinity to other areas both in and outside Port-au-Prince.

The increased flow of weapons and drugs into Haiti is certainly a destabilizing factor. MINUSTAH needs to look at ways to leverage its capabilities to help interdict this flow, said Ambassador Rice. The United States has 42 police personnel in Haiti and is working to double the size of its individual police contingent in the coming months. The U.S. welcomes contributions from other member states.

More than 8 months have passed since the quake, and the United States and the United Nations continue to help Haiti recover and rebuild. Much more needs to be done. The U.S. along with the United Nations is committed to staying with the Haitian people and helping Haiti re-build.

Jumat, 24 September 2010

Liverpool's Squad Is Simply Not Good Enough, Roy Hodgson Is Not To Blame - Lars Bohinen

Roy Hodgson, Liverpool (Getty Images) 

Former Norway international Lars Bohinen has made it clear that Roy Hodgson is not the only one to blame for Liverpool's disappointing start.

Premier League side Liverpool have been in disappointing form in the opening weeks of the 2010-11 campaign and the Reds sit only 16th in the league table after five games.

Many are starting to question whether new manager Roy Hodgson is the right man for Liverpool following the club's shaky performances, but former Norway international Lars Bohinen, who worked under the coach at Blackburn, has voiced his opinion that Hodgson is not the only one at fault for the club's disastrous results so far.

"To begin with, Liverpool's squad is simply not good enough at the moment. The spine of the team lacks the class and leadership qualities to compete with the big teams," said Bohinen to TV2.

"Pepe Reina is a class shot stopper, but Jamie Carragher and Martin Skrtel are no leaders at the back. Steven Gerrard is the natural leader of the team, but he has been struggling to find his best form. Fernando Torres is a good player, but no leader.

"Additionally, Liverpool have done a poor job in the transfer market. Milan Jovanovic is not good enough in the one-on-ones and turns inward way too often. Christian Poulsen's action radius is too low and he hardly passes forward. Then Paul Konchesky is very vulnerable at the back. Raul Meireles is a good player, but he needs time to settle in.

"There is no element of surprise to Liverpool's current style of play. It's all about passing the ball, but without any clear idea behind it. Players such as Gerrard and Torres are unable to shine in this formation and Roy Hodgson is the one to blame for this.

"I've worked under him in the past and he's the best coach I've ever had. However, he focuses too much on the defensive structure of a team. He doesn't really have a clear philosophy when it comes to attacking football. He used a similar style of play at Blackburn Rovers, Inter and Fulham.

"Hodgson is the right man for a club that wants to defend a certain result, but I'm not sure whether he's the right man for Liverpool. His preferred tactics suit a club like Fulham, but he's not much into attacking football and creative players. I expect Gerrard and Torres to continue suffering under Hodgson."

What If The Internet Was Our World And Social Media Sites Our Countries?

Looking over numbers and statistic for social networking can get confusing pretty easily, whether its keeping up with the number of users on each social media network or the new ones that are popping every day. So that’s why the people at Flowtown decide to something about it by creating this infograph that represent the 2010 social media scene that pays homage to XKCD map of online communities. 

Isn’t it a wonderful feeling that the majority of world is multinational in this case?

Where are you from?

Kamis, 23 September 2010


CockroachCockroachCockroaches are found all over the world, in every climate, from hot, dry deserts and hot, wet tropical forests to cold, dry mountaintops. Since they are tropical insects, however, they are most common in hot regions, or more generally anywhere they can find warmth and food. This is why they are so fond of homes, restaurants, hotels and any other inhabited places where they can feast on food scraps.

The domestic cockroaches we know in North America were actually imported from the Old World. Over the past four centuries, they have hitched rides on ships crossing the Atlantic.
CockroachCockroaches might be called living fossils: they first appeared 350 million years ago. They are the oldest and most primitive winged insects that have survived to the present day. The 3,500 existing species are basically identical to the very first forms of cockroaches that flourished in the Carboniferous Period.

Cockroaches are generally recognizable by their flattened, oval bodies, their heads concealed by a structure called the pronotum, and their very long, hairlike antennae.
Cockroach Pics

Cosmic Apocalypse

The Universe as we know it is condemned to death. Space, matter and even time will one day cease to exist and there’s nothing we can do about it. Harsh realities are revealed about the future of our Universe; it may collapse and burn or it might be gripped by a galactic ice age. Either of these scenarios might be a long way off. However, our Universe could suddenly be destroyed by a “random quantum fluctuation”, a bubble of destruction that can obliterate the entire cosmos in the blink of an eye. No matter how it ends, life in our Universe is doomed.


Skyscrapers are an extraordinary feat of human engineering: exposing millions of pounds of concrete and steel to the enemy forces of wind and gravity. Starting with the foundation and on through the support structures and concrete flooring, every piece of these superstructures has to be super-strong. Go behind the scenes with the five tools that make these buildings possible: the foundation drill rig, the tower crane, the impact wrench, the power trowel, and the total see that,,is so amazing


Python And Gator
Helicopter pilot Mike Barron spots a 13-foot Burmese python bloated and dead in the Florida swamp. Half way inside it is a 6-foot alligator. NGC Explorer returns to the scene of the event with the pilot and wildlife biologist Skip Snow, to investigate what could have happened between the python and the gator.


In the cockpit of a multi-million dollar jet fighter, a pilot makes a split second mistake that ends in disaster. After talking to his instructor, he takes off for a second “flight” in his simulator. SIMULATORS have made training for many professions far safer, more effective and less expensive than it would be if the students were in command of the real thing. MODERN MARVELS traces the history of these “synthetic reality” devices back to the 1929 Link Pilot Trainer, an open cockpit mounted to a universal joint and activated by pipe organ bellows. From this inauspicious beginning, simulators have developed into extraordinarily sophisticated devices that can emulate entire tank battles, the passage of supertankers through narrow, storm-tossed straits, and landing jet airliners in dangerous conditions. Climb inside some of the multi-million dollar devices that offer an invaluable substitute for on-the-job training.

Combat Training

Sign up at the ultimate survival school, where soldiers learn to kill or be killed, and learn how 21st-century warriors are training today for the battlefields of tomorrow. We follow combat training throughout history, reviewing survival skills and psychological tools–from ancient Rome to World Wars One and Two–and learn how modern training is enhanced by advanced technology and computer simulation.


Set the sedan’s safety brake and hop on your “hog” for a 2-hour high-speed history of the motorcycle–from the 1868 “steam velocipede” to the early 20th century, when they were a low-cost alternative to automobiles; from Harley-Davidsons preferred by Hell’s Angels and police to motocross riders who take bikes into the air and onto the dirt. We also look to the motorcycle’s future, featuring Jay Leno’s jet-propelled Y2K sportbike and Erik Buell’s bike-without-a-gas-tank creatio.....You wanna try?

Wi-Fi Vs Wimax

What ??? indeed human nature, everything is at your fingertips ... and in terms of internet access, crowded with flowers access via Wi-Fi and WiMax. Understandably can access everywhere because of the wireless (without wayar / cable) .. In the lobby of the hotel as possible, the airport may be, schools and restaurants can ... especially if audience is useless ... So the entry I once ni me about info on the Wi-Fi and WiMax, although I myself do not really hheheh, but through reading a little science can be saved. I publish this info because of our passion for using Wi-Fi and WiMAX, there is a risk ..Wi-Fi is a high-speed data access technologies from a variety of wireless Local Area (WLAN). WiMax also refer to the audience a series with a broaderscope so that colonize an area of more than 50 km compared with Wi-Fi is only 90 meters.
Wi-Fi and WiMax have a very close relationship in which Wi-Fi connection between computers in the official area of something / home / premise when WiMax is used to connect a series of Wi-Fi In our excitement of using Wi-Fi access there is a risk, namely:  
1. Carelessness - that shows our computers to carelessness by those who are not responsible. This is because most of the open Wi-Fi and do not have the words between (password) are checked, also do not have a protection system for user safety. The impression data in our computers can be accessed easily by anyone who is in the range of hosts or access from outside.
2. Viruses - are susceptible to the threat of viruses, trojans, malware, cecacing, etc., who sneaked into a computer that is not fully protected.

3. Theft: - Many people have stolen a laptop after using Wi-Fi users in places such as restaurants open. Usually these users to place a laptop on the train after using it, without realizing there are eyes that lie ... more easily be stolen if the user enters the vehicle in a long time ... So same-Samalah we are careful in this case is no exception and also for those who use Wi-Fi by phone bimbit ..

 C'mon guys.....please,Think Think.......Save yourelf

The Final Destination

LOS ANGELES, Aug 30 (Reuters) - In the battle of horror franchises, “The Final Destination” scared off a challenge from “Halloween II” to claim top honors at the weekend box office in North America, according to studio estimates issued on Sunday.

“The Final Destination” sold $28.3 million worth of tickets during its first three days, while the latest “Halloween” outing of masked serial killer Michael Myers opened at No. 3 with $17.4 million.
In between was last weekend’s champion, Quentin Tarantino’s violent World War Two movie “Inglourious Basterds,” with $20 million in it second round. With yet another horror film, “District 9,” claiming the No. 4 spot with $10.7 million in its third weekend, movie theaters were no place for the squeamish or intellectually curious.

“The Final Destination” revolves around a youngster quickly running out of friends since he can accurately foretell their brutal deaths. It’s the fourth installment in a franchise that was launched in 2000, and marks the best opening in the series. In 2003, “Final Destination 3″ opened to $19 million.
“Halloween II” is the sequel to a successful 2007 reboot of a venerable series dating to 1978. Both the previous one, which opened to $26 million, and the new one were directed by rocker Rob Zombie.
Because they target roughly the same audience, industry observers had expected the “The Final Destination” and “Halloween II” to cannibalize each other and each end up in the teens of millions. But “Final Destination” enjoyed a boost from higher ticket prices for its 3D runs in just over half of its 3,121 theaters.
“The Final Destination” was released by Warner Bros Pictures, a unit of Time Warner Inc (TWX.N). “Halloween II” and “Inglourious Basterds” were released by the closely held Weinstein Co. “District 9″ was released by TriStar Pictures, a unit of Sony Corp (6758.T) (SNE.N).

‘Inglourious Basterds’ Rules The Weekend Box Office

Score best actor at the box office this weekend to Quentin Tarantino. In the film Inglourious Basterds, his revisionist take WWIIstarring Brad Pitt, earned about $ 37,600,000 "WOW", in government offices champDistrict box 9, and gave beleaguered studio The Weinstein Co. relieved with the financial situation dancsedikit thinning. opening far exceeded the opening Basterds' previous best Tarantino, Kill Bill Vol. 2, which brought U.S. $ 25 million in April 2004. 
What who repent now is how Basterds will be valid for the next few weeks. Since Weinstein only has domestic rights to the film-Universal Pictures International in the United States holds large-dirty is mandatory for the company as a whole. Warner Bros. has a more difficult time with the release Shorts auteur Robert Rodriguez. Opening movie for children is only $ 6.6 million or PG-rated land on a weak finish 6 for its opening frame Only new release to reach the top ten are post-college film Fox Searchlight's Post Grad starring Alexis Bledel, Although in 1959 the opening of the classic film that is only about $ 2,800,000 during the three days. Among holdovers. District 9 is very good considering the arrest Basterds wages directly to the male audience. $ 30,000,000 sci-fi film from newcomer Neil Blomkamp dropping% 49 slightly to $ 18,900,000 gross total of ten days at an impressive $ 73 million.
GI Joe is also dependent on the third week in theaters. The high-octane actioner is only down 44% to $ 12.5 million. Now the three-week cume is $ 120 million. Female moviegoers helped push The Time Traveler's Wife and Julie & Julia in the top five. Time Traveler is only down 46% to $ 10 million in the second week of placing the ten-day gross $ 37,400,000 while Julie & Julia is only down 25% this is a very tight competition, and extraordinary refractive considering the film in the third week of release. Grossing $ 9,000,000 for three days, Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, two-hander now obtained a total of $ 59,000,000. turned out to god to give thanks to the opening of a movie Basterds incumbent is a strong and solid hold, box office increased by 26% over the same period last year. This is the third week in a row the box office go up after four weeks of the results are not impressive. Next weekend's horror mash-up Halloween II and The Final Destination 3-D, and a big horror movie.

Alien Minors Act could boost U.S. military ranks

Immigration advocates have long pushed for the DREAM Act as a way to give children who were brought to the U.S. illegally by their parents a chance to become legal residents and have access to higher education.
The less publicized part of the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act is that the Pentagon is pushing for it as a means to staff the armed forces.
Prospects dimmed Tuesday when Senate Republicans prevented a vote on a defense spending bill, because the DREAM Act was attached as an amendment. Senate Democrats vowed to reintroduce it.
When the Department of Difence published its three-year strategic plan, it listed the DREAM Act as a way it could replenish its ranks.

"If we needed to expand the pool of eligible youth, the (DREAM) initiative would be one of several ways to do it," spokeswoman Eileen Lainez said in an e-mail.
Retired Army lieutenant colonel Margaret Stock says a "crisis in military manpower" is looming as the population ages and the economy improves. She says the military struggled to recruit enough people when the economy was booming just a few years ago because people had more employment options.
"DREAM would give us the ability to tap into a huge number of people who grew up in the United States, were educated here, they talk like Americans, they look like Americans and their loyalty lies with America," says Stock, a former West Point professor who teaches political science at the University of Alaska-Anchorage.
The act would allow illegal immigrant who met several requirements — 35 or younger, came to the U.S. before turning 16, have lived here at least five years, no criminal record and have earned a high school diploma — to become conditional residents for up to six years. They would be eligible to become permanent residents if they completed two years of college or two years in the military.
The Migration Policy Institute, a non-partisan research group that supports an overhaul of immigration law, estimates that more than 725,000 people would be eligible immediately for conditional residency. An additional 1.4 million would meet all the requirements except the high school diploma.
The military part of the act worries Jorge Mariscal, director of Latino studies at the University of California-San Diego.
He says many illegal immigrant families are too poor to pay for college.
"Our concern is that people are just going to get trapped for economic reasons into the military," says Mariscal, who otherwise supports the DREAM Act.
Roy Beck, executive director of NumbersUSA, which advocates lower levels of legal and illegal immigration, opposes the DREAM Act because it does not address the larger problems of illegal immigration.
Felipe Matos would be glad to join the military under the DREAM Act.
Born to a single mother in the slums of Brazil, he came to live with relatives in the U.S. at 14. He graduated from high school, got an associate's degree at Miami Dade College and hopes to get a four-year degree and become a high school teacher. He says he wants to repay the country that gave him the opportunity to succeed.
"I have friends who would have loved to join the military," says Matos, 24. "I feel that all of us are just trying to serve and contribute to the only country we know and love."

The Migration Policy Institute, a non-partisan research group that supports an overhaul of immigration law, estimates that more than 725,000 people would be eligible immediately for conditional residency under the DREAM Act.

Lady Gaga's Meat Dress To Become 'Jerky'

Of the Gaga-shirts this one is about the most unique and creative I have ever seen and also one of the most outrageous clothes that pernahditampilkan by superstar or superhero "Mrs.Gaga kidding." He mengguncangdengan colors captivate like the heart itself, today should have a very good department. Women are rarely seen on the same thing twice, but fashion is made of raw meat was not the type to keep the user's view, must be exposed to the smell of beef breast self-risk, especially with things other than meat-based opportunities skirt "iuh .. .. " in fact, the dress has not been thrown out or repurposed as tartare for some use of the adventure mode. After the debut title dress was the beef 'was arrested in 2010 MTV Video Music Awards, this view will be maintained and stored by gaga, perhaps to inspire the creation of a distinguished future in connection with Tailors.

Designer Franc Fernandez says headline-making dress will be preserved and archived.

Would you like to see Lady Gaga's jerky dress? Let us know in the comments!

'Vampire Diaries' Star Ian Somerhalder Talks Green Summit In D.C.

Although Ian Somerhalder is in the thick of a busy filming schedule for season two of his obsessed-over CW show "The Vampire Diaries," he's taking a day off — and for a good cause. Somerhalder is heading to Washington, D.C. where he's attending the Washington Energy Summit on Thursday. 

Somerhalder will meet with members of both houses of Congress to discuss the importance of green/alternative energy and technology. The actor has been vocal about the effect of the BP oil spill and recently partnered up with the portable energy company Go Green Mobile Power. When we caught up with him on the eve of his big trip, Somerhalder was brimming with excitement over getting to be a part of the conversation at a national level.

"It's really, really cool," he told MTV News about his participation in the summit. "I think there's a lot of anger and frustration and fear and determination in this exact moment in our country in the wake of this huge oil spill. But the government, they know enough to figure it out and they're taking steps to do that, so I'm really honored to be invited to go and speak with these people. I'll try not to screw up," he joked. "I can't wait to put my thinking cap on and get to Washington and have really structured and really inspiring conversations with people and hopefully something comes out of it.
As for his partnership with Go green Mobile Power Somerhalder said the company has generated much attention and he hopes to have one of their green-energy generators on the "Vampire Diaries" set soon.
"Warner Bros. [loves them] and the network are figuring out right now how to get that thing on set," he explained. "There has been a lot of interest from the city of Los Angeles, Mayor Villaraigosa; there's a lot going on. It's really exciting stuff, we're going to go full bore and get these things out there producing green power." 

Somerhalder is a man with a plan. For information on how you can get involved, visit But don't think we cornered the star and didn't get any "Diaries" dish. Stay with for more on what's next for Damon.

What do you think of Ian tackling green issues? Is it a cause important to you? Tell us in the comments!

Rabu, 22 September 2010

Justin Bieber Sings For Fans At Hooters In Canada

Justin Bieber is living the life. The 16-year-old superstar was spotted and photographed with a bevy of Hooters waitresses after he stopped by the restaurant's local outpost at the West Edmonton Mall in Canada on Saturday, the Edmoton Sun reports. He was in town for a stop on his My World Tour.
Not only did Bieber and his entourage, including four of his backup dancers, stop by for a quick visit, he also serenaded everyone at the restaurant. One of the servers at the restaurant, Tania Biggar, explained, "We were talking about deep-fried pickles. Then they said they would sing to me for free deep-fried pickles. The manager said if they sang for the whole restaurant, he'd pay for their entire meal. They serenaded the girls. They were actually super-polite. They were just awesome people to serve. They weren't demanding or anything like that."
The impromptu performance had fans in a frenzy. "Everybody that was sitting around them went over to talk to them. They told them they did an awesome job of singing," she said.
Biggar further explained that while the Hooters girls did get a photo with Bieber, they didn't get much one-on-one time with him. "None of the servers really got to talk to him. He was surrounded by his fans," she said. "That's how we knew he was coming in — it was all 14-year-old girls. And they all kind of move as one."
Youtube footage of the Hooters visit shows Bieber, dressed in a black jacket and black hat, walking through crowds of people. Despite all the fans trying to catch a glimpse of the star, it seems things remained relatively more low-key than past Bieber Mall Appreances.
The restaurant's manager, Sonny Verma, confirmed the blink-and-you'll-miss-him appearance of the "U Smile" singer to the Edmoton Journal "We probably had a row six people deep and 10 people long at the window. It was pretty cool," he said. "I was told about 10, 15 minutes he came in here. It was really quick. He came in, took a quick picture and took off." 

So Many People said Justin Bieber is Arrogant,Gay,He voice like a girl,and copycat Justin Timberlake from Website hider.... 
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